
A Key To Hearing God’s Voice

God can speak to anyone at any time He chooses. Saved or sinner, king or servant, male or female, young or old – God is sovereign, and He will speak whenever and however He pleases!

Every follower of Christ has the capacity to hear God clearly. God created us for intimate relationship, that we would know Him and recognise His voice. And although God is sovereign in all things, it shouldn’t surprise us that He is looking for those who genuinely seek after Him, so that He can share a deeper level of relationship with us.

Psalm 25:14 (NIV) The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.

To confide is to trust someone enough to tell them of a secret or private matter, or to entrust something to someone in order for them to look after it. The KJV says ‘the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him.’ This word ‘secret’ speaks of close deliberation and familiar conversation between God and mankind from a place of intimacy and relationship.

While we all have plenty of acquaintances, we probably have only a few people who we would trust with very personal things in our lives. In the same way, God is looking for trusted believers who He can share His intimate thoughts with.


Psalm 25:14 tells us that the Lord confides in those who fear Him. So, what is the fear of the Lord? It is not just awe and wonder at His majesty. It is not just to morally revere God or even to tremble in His presence. Yes, it is all this, but it is much more. Scripture shows us that the fear of the Lord is linked to walking in obedience to His ways.

Psalm 25:12 (NIV) Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.

Psalm 128:1 (NIV) Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.

Psalm 111:10 (NIV) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

The fear of the Lord is not just the EMOTION of reverence or the EXPRESSION of wonder; it is the ACTION of obedience.

We unlock a key to hearing God’s voice through our obedience. Proverbs 3:32 tells us that the Lord ‘takes the upright into His confidence’. Jesus said that we are His friends if we do what He commands (John 15:14-15). When it comes to your relationship with God, are you a casual acquaintance, or are you a trusted friend that He can confide in?

  • If you want to hear the Lord, then you have to fear the Lord.
  • If you want to receive His revelation, then you have to accept His ways.

God truly delights to speak to His children. If you have any doubt of this, just open your Bible! Ask the Lord to speak to you and ask Him what is on His heart. The Lord wants to confide in you, and a humble heart and obedient response opens the door to hearing God’s voice in greater measure.

Discover more keys to Hearing God’s Voice:

How Does God Speak Today? and How Do We Know God is Speaking?

Repairer of the Breach

Isaiah 58:12b  “…And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.”

“The Breach” is a reference to a wall that once protected and kept the city secure, having fallen into disarray and crumble. The city had become vulnerable to attack from adversaries.

It describes those in The Body of Christ who have become exposed in their minds and hearts due to the ravaging nature of both neglect and the winds of adversity. Their vulnerability has led to their discouraging sin and defeat. That defeat then brought accusation and hurt to the Church.

Then came their anguished and heart-felt repentance.

Their cry for help can be a confused and bewildering miscommunication that some believers question the validity of. Those who are in pain struggle to respond to the rejection and further accusation, and this can lead to reactions of anger – which we may take personally instead of understanding the pain that lies within.

The cry of the vulnerable is for one to come and “repair” the breach with understanding and healing. But all too often, the Pharisee comes instead, with judgement and condemnation. The pain intensifies and a wounded brother becomes a disillusioned adversary. The Pharisee congratulates himself on his diagnosis, rather than realising his part in compounding the tragedy.

Isaiah reminds us that there is also the call to be “A Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.”

The Hebrew word for “streets” in this passage is translated “a path that was once trodden”. “The Restorer” was one that would have the responsibility to “return back to former status and function”.

Again, the picture is of a Christian (often a leader) who has held a position and function of significance in the Body of Christ but fell into neglect and disarray. Their demise is evident, and their failure has resulted in an ever-mindful sorrow, regret, and repentance. Their cry is now for “The Restorer” who will see beyond the disrepute their failure has caused. Their hope is that others will see the heart of one now crying out for, not only the forgiveness of a merciful God, but the forgiveness of merciful brethren.

Instead, the Pharisees line up to hurl their stones and religiously proclaim that their need to be seen as righteous in the eyes of society and the media will not permit them to see such a one restored to ministry life. Their sin is the greater offense to God.

Too many in the Body of Christ have sat in such self-righteous judgement, and a God of restoration sees them for the stumbling blocks that they are. Unless repented of, their attitudes produce dryness of spirit and, eventually, their own darkness.

God’s Word is clear:

Isaiah 58:9-10 If you take away the yoke from your midst,
The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
10 If you extend your soul to the hungry
And satisfy the afflicted soul,
Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your darkness shall be as the noonday.”

Galatians 6:1-2 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

My challenge to us all is this: let us remember our own desperate need for grace (past and present) and let us reach out with the heart of “A Restorer” to re-embrace these fallen warriors of the Kingdom. In doing so, we see “A Gift of The Christ to the Church” restored to live a fruitful life and cause the heart of our Father to rejoice.

In love and hope,


Read Sally McCracken’s blog: Christ As Cornerstone here!

Available To God

We’ve entered 2023 and every day I’m becoming a little more aware of just how short time is. How valuable it is. And how we are commanded to redeem the time and make it count. My cry is that I want my life to count; I want to be useful! I want to be available to God and I want to be fruitful! Is that your cry too?

The Bible says that “David served God in his generation.” Many others have done likewise, such as William and Catherine Booth, Charles Finney, the Wesley brothers, Billy Graham, and Reinhard Bonnke. The key factor that these heroes of the faith had in common was their availability to God. They were just ordinary people like you and me. But that’s just it – God isn’t looking for superstars. He delights in using the foolish, the uneducated, the seeming nobodies. Father loves to use ordinary people whose hearts are sold out for Him. Jesus’ disciples are the perfect example of this. Whether we are those with one talent or five talents is not what matters to God. He is looking to do extraordinary things through submitted, committed, believers who are available.

To be available means to present yourself to be ready for immediate use. To be available is to be accessible, obtainable, to be willing to do something, or to resume responsibility for something.

In Luke 1:26-38 we read of Mary learning that she will give birth to a son. I can’t comprehend just what Mary must have been thinking and feeling, knowing the potential judgment that would come with explaining what had taken place. And yet her words were: “Be it unto me according to thy word.”

In Acts 9:1-22 we read the story of Saul’s conversion. Saul was actively doing everything in his power to bring about persecution to God’s people, so you can imagine Ananias’ thoughts when the Lord told him to go and lay hands on Saul in order that he might be healed. Yet, regardless of his own understanding, Ananias did as the Lord had told him – because he was dedicated to seeing the will of God fulfilled.

In Matthew 4:18-22 we read of Jesus calling some of His disciples. These men were not fishing for a hobby, it was their livelihood. And yet when they heard Jesus say “Come, follow me,” they left their nets behind and followed Him.

Many heroes of the faith are mentioned in scripture – these are just few of the many examples found throughout the Bible, of those who showed total commitment to pursuing the will of God regardless of the cost. So, what does it require of us today to be committed servants of God? It requires attentiveness to His voice, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and a responsiveness to His leading.

Following Jesus is not always going to be easy and convenient. There is a cost involved.

Jesus tells a parable about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) – a story about someone who was available to God. A kingdom opportunity to show kindness and mercy cost the Good Samaritan not only in terms of money, but the time and inconvenience of an interruption in his day – taking him away from whatever it was he was doing.

Availability to God will often cost more than just time and effort – it will cost us our comfort.

Luke 9:23 (NIV) Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

We are called to complete abandonment to the will of God. To follow the Lord means we owe Him everything. We are called to die to self and to passionately pursue our Saviour. But in the world we live in today, there is so much that is constantly fighting for our attention. Today we have a great opportunity to stop and honestly assess our personal priorities. Ask yourself these questions: How do my priorities align with the Word of God? Am I available to God? What are the things that I allow to consume my time, attention, and money? And do these things have eternal value?

As believers, our hearts need to be ready to fulfil the will of God. We need to be presenting ourselves daily before God and asking Him what He’d have us do. A good servant finds out what his master wants and does that. However, this is not to be done in a religious way; it’s not works-based or performance-related. It is simply about a response of love for all the Lord has done for us – having an attitude of being available and willing to walk through doors of opportunity as they open before us.

Whether it is sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, showing kindness to a stranger, stepping into a leadership role, activating our faith, or giving to extend God’s kingdom, the only ability that God is looking for is availability.

How available are you today?


Read a Prophetic Word for 2023 here.

2023 Prophetic Word

As we launch into another year, it’s important to hear what Father is saying. I believe that He speaks to us individually for the journey that we are on with Him. In addition to this, I believe He also speaks things that He wants the body of Christ to hear, and He does this through His prophets. Following is my contribution to Father’s global narrative through a prophetic word for 2023.

I heard the Father say, “2023 will be a year of firsts and abundance in God.” In fact, I saw it like this: “firsts” and “abundance” IN GOD. The details are important.

Everything of spiritual significance is conceived, birthed, matured, and finished IN GOD.

IN GOD is the most important thing about us. Our identity and our value are found IN GOD. Our acceptance before the Father is found IN GOD. Our sense of calling, commission and purpose is found IN GOD. Our hope and our future are found IN GOD. So too are “firsts” and “abundance” found IN GOD.

Every “first” finds its legitimacy through its origin being IN GOD.

Our God is the Creator; the One who brings things into existence. He was the Creator; He is the Creator and He will continue to be the Creator. Creation itself speaks to “firsts”; things that weren’t previously there.

From the very beginning, mankind was created in the image and the likeness of God! We carry His DNA, and we have His heart. And from the very beginning, we were created with the responsibility to create and release “firsts” on earth! In other words, “firsts” are not for an elite few – they are for every person because we are created in the image of the Creator!

As God’s people, I declare that there are some “firsts” for you and I in 2023. There are some new steps of faith and obedience, and there are some new initiatives that are on Father’s heart. There are some new kingdom realities to discover for the first time, and there are some miracles that Father wants us to release on earth that will be a first through us.

This coming year of “abundance” IN GOD is all about what Father wants to do through His people and for His glory!

I heard Father say, “Abundance is not about you.”

The worldly view of abundance, and the mis-informed and incorrect church view of abundance is all connected to us having more. In other words, we have made abundance about us. But this is not what God is saying!

The abundance that Father is highlighting to us at the start of 2023 is the abundance that is found IN GOD, and from this, the abundant goodness that Father wants to do in people. God is not a barely enough God. To think this is to not see God accurately. Everything about God is more than enough!

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 is an incredible scripture that wonderfully articulates the depth of Father’s desire in and through us this year. It is rich with truth and it is a clear representation of His heart. There are many words in it that highlight so clearly the abundance that Father is calling us to walk in. May it speak deeply to you today.

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (NIV) Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlargethe harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!


Watch David McCracken’s sermon – 2022 Explained, 2023 Anticipated!

Living Beyond The Veil

I want to invite you into a world in which the physical, the tangible, and the seen are no longer restrictions to the experiencing of the power of His presence and His person. I want to invite you to live beyond the veil!

Revelation 3:21 (NKJV) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Tragically, many who read this scripture have have created a theology that allows for this in a future time to come, but denies us access to it today (other than in a symbolic statement of believers having the authority of Jesus). But this is not true! I believe we have present-tense access to the throne room of God when, being in spirit, we can see what Father intends us to see! But is our access unconditional?

Matthew 27:50-52 (NKJV) And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;

The most supernatural world changing event of history had just taken place! The atonement had been made for all mankind, the conquering of Satan and the vanquish of his rule on Earth had been fully achieved.

What I want you to notice (what this message is all about) is that the very first thing that came as a result of the declaration of Jesus, “It is finished!”, was the ripping apart of the temple veil from top to bottom. Top to bottom – because it was ripped asunder by the hand of Jehovah God himself.

It was the very first thing on God’s agenda – the instant response of Heaven! “Tear that veil apart!” But why was it so important? Why was it such a priority? Friends, the miracle of Calvary, the great atonement of history, the invasion of the Godhead, the establishment of the lordship of Jesus on this planet, was all about ripping apart for ever that which separated mankind from the glory and presence of God!

To understand the significance of the event, you have to understand why that veil had been put there in the beginning. Let me explain.

The Veil Established

The veil was first established in Moses’ tabernacle and then continued into Solomon’s temple, where it was on the day that the command of Jesus ripped it apart. But why was it put there in the first place?

God had made the decision to have a physical dwelling place on the earth so that he might, at times, position Himself amongst his people. The only problem was that mankind, in his unredeemed, sinful state, would have been incinerated instantly in the presence of such incredible power!

The veil was God’s compassionate protection. People have so misunderstood this. When you go into a room with a nuclear reactor, you wear protective gear… not because that reactor is evil or harsh, but because humanity needs protection from such power.

So, the veil was there for protection. No one was allowed to enter, except for one exception. The High Priest, once a year on the Day of Atonement, after much cleansing and preparation of heart, could enter to seek atonement for God’s people.  Such was the indescribable power and holiness of God’s presence that a rope was tied around his ankle, just in case he had any sin left in him… in which case, he would have never survived the event! They would have had to drag out his corpse.

Can you just imagine it! The staggering event when God came to dwell on the earth in a physical location! The One that consumed the top of Mt. Sinai with fire when he turned up, the One that would cause the earth to quake at His arrival, the One that could point His finger and part the sea, the One that with one word created galaxies in space. HE was on the other side of that veil!

What would the emotions of that High Priest have been like? Fear yet awe, terrifying yet irresistible! Like an astronaut going to be the first person to travel in space. Knowing that it could cost him his life yet filled with the staggering potential and the wonder of it all! The scariest moment of his entire life.

Inside that veil was the holiness and presence of Jehovah, Father God, Creator of heaven and earth, manifested by the Spirit; the throne room of heaven materialised into this tangible human world. Just beyond that veil! It was amazing! And all for one man and one man alone, and only once a year.

All that the rest of the nation of Israel could do was pray for that priest, that he would return alive. They themselves could never participate; they could never hope to experience it. The veil was the constant reminder that unredeemed humanity could not enter God’s personal presence and hope to live. For thousands of years that’s the way it was. Year after year, generation after generation.

The Veil Is Torn

But one day, suddenly, Heaven gasped, demons trembled, and the universe was shaken!

Jesus, the new ruler of the planet, was declaring that the temple veil was to be removed! He was declaring, by His atoning sacrifice, that the access to God’s presence was now open and could be entered into without fear!

His shed blood was the atonement that cleansed the human heart and brought about such transformation that the individual could literally enter the presence of God and not be incinerated but be empowered! God no longer demanded the separation from the realm of His reality and the realm of our reality. The veil between the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal, the natural world, and the spirit world, had been removed!

My friends, I want to offer you an invitation: not to some fantasy, not to a distortion of reality, not to some Spielberg movie, but simply another dimension that exists parallel with our own for those whose hearts have been cleansed and whose eyes have been opened to see it.

His presence is no longer in one geographical place but universal. His person fills the galaxies with His power. He exists in a world parallel to our own! On every mountain, in every valley, in every boardroom or family kitchen. In every office, auditorium, or carpark. The natural world and the spirit world co-exist for those whose eyes have been enlightened.

How do I know that it is real? How do I know that it is accessible? Because, my friends, I have already discovered what it is to live there!

Access to the Throne Room

I want to invite you into the reality of His unseen world. I want to invite you into a world of access to the throne of God. Not as a religious theory but an experiential reality!

I want to invite you to live a life beyond the veil!

My friends, what I am declaring to you is completely Scriptural. Paul said that we were to “come boldly before the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). We are called to access the very throne room of God! But we have made that just a figure of speech. (And for some, an alternative expression for ‘having a time of prayer’.)

Ephesians 2:6 calls us to be “seated with Him in Heavenly places”. THAT is an invitation! To step from the realm of our reality into the realm of His reality, to live beyond the veil and to be in spirit.

That veil of separation, existing for thousands of years, was powerfully ripped to pieces by the Lord of that throne room. Yet today, the vast bulk of Christians, singing praises on Sunday and faithfully attending their local church, do not live beyond the veil in the place of His glory and presence. Tragically most leaders don’t either.

I truly believe that, for most Christians today, the veil still exists! They still live restricted to their humanity, influenced by the world of the tangible, never experiencing the power of accessing the unseen world of God’s person and presence. Consequently, they reflect the culture of the world they live in.

But what a tragedy… because now it is not a veil of God’s making, but a veil of their own making. YES! I’m talking to Christians!

A person can be saved and going to Heaven, and fully involved in their local Church, and yet live a lifetime without ever having experienced the intimacy of His presence, and the power and authority of His throne room. Never experiencing the wonder of being in spirit and seeing Father’s intention. But God is calling you right now, “Don’t settle for that!”

Hebrews 10:19-20 (NKJV) Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,

Let me offer you an invitation! It is time to decide!

  • Are you willing to crown Him truly Lord of your world?
  • Will you get passionate about craving for intimacy with His heart?
  • Will you seek compatibility with His Holy Spirit?
  • Will your cry be to have instant access to His throne?

If that is your heart’s cry, then your Father stands waiting for you with his arms open wide in indescribable love and unqualified acceptance.

My invitation to you is to live beyond the veil! Not to visit once in a while but to live there.

My friends, tear down the veil!



Read David’s previous blog: Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given.

Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given

I have often been asked concerning what I experience when bringing a prophetic picture to an individual; a prophetic picture that describes God’s intention to them at that moment.

What Do I See Prophetically?

Often what I see is some symbolic scene, activity, or substance, such as a rose bush, or a sailing yacht, a thing that is not necessarily literal, but immediately communicates to the individual the spiritual truth that God is trying to get them to see.

I might see a fishing boat run aground on the reef, and discover that the person loves fishing, and their life has felt like it was shipwrecked. It is personal, it is unique, and it tells them that Father knows them and cares.

Several times I have been shown the picture of a person changing their walking shoes for running shoes; meaning that it is time for them to accelerate in their calling. Other times, it is a glimpse of what Father has for them in a future time. So why are prophetic pictures given?

Prophetic pictures are given to convey a spiritual reality or a divine intention.

With these thoughts in mind, let us look at how the Apostle John experienced this prophetic grace:

(Authors notes in brackets in the following scriptures)

Revelation 4:1 (NKJV) After these things I looked, (literally: “to stare intently as one that has been given the capacity to perceive”) and behold, a door… (literally: “a portal or entrance, an opening”) standing open in heaven… (Greek word ’ouranos’ – means “air or sky” – by implication heaven, eternity) And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”

Literally, a portal opened between John and eternity, between the world of the tangible in which he lived and the spirit world of God’s presence. And once able to see in that realm, John was given the ability to see into an aspect of the future because past, present and future all co-exist in the spirit world of God’s presence. It was a prophetic glimpse.

Revelation 4:2 (NKJV) Immediately I was in (the) Spirit; (’the’ is not in the original)

and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.

John, now with his spiritual eyes opened to see, was able to see through a portal into eternity, into the spirit world of God’s existence, and saw the throne of God! He had suddenly become compatible with that other dimension. He was ‘in spirit’!

The significance is this: Holy Spirit gave him eyes to see what was already there in the realm of the spirit but invisible to the natural eye.

God is Spirit. So, whatever it was that John saw, it was not physical, it was not tangible… but it was communicated to him in a manner that would have been meaningful to him in his human understanding. He saw a throne. That immediately communicated to John a king and his royal, undisputed right to rule.

God doesn’t have a physical throne anywhere in the entire universe! It was an impression in John’s spirit imagination which Holy Spirit used to communicate the awesome power and authority of God’s person and presence. But did he ‘see’ it? Yes, he did!

Revelation 1:10-11 (NKJV) I was in (the) Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book…”

Please note that the voice was not from the sky or from some distant place or even somewhere in front of him, it was from behind him. Which clearly indicates that he was already there! He was already in the throne room! But suddenly became aware of that reality!

As he stepped ‘into spirit’, no longer blinded by the natural world of his human surroundings, he was able to see what God already saw… and wanted to communicate to him! And because God’s sight is not confined to the present, he was able to see the future as well as the present. That’s all the prophetic gift really is. It is a moment in which, being ‘in spirit’, we catch glimpses of tomorrow! That’s why prophetic pictures are given.

In my next blog I will build on this foundation and share with you the wonder of ‘Living Beyond the Veil’.


Watch a 3-minute video – Imagination and Prophetic Pictures.

Seeing In The Spirit Realm

Seeing In The Spirit Realm

With today’s world fascinated with the themes of Harry Potter, the demonic, the spirit-world, and imaginary heroes, the Church is being challenged in the very area that should be their strongest domain: the unseen world.

As Christians, we are promised in scripture an authority in the ‘spirit-world’ that is indisputable and limited only to the degree that we are under the authority of the risen Christ. And yet, incredibly, the vast bulk of Christians have abdicated that authority and choose to stand back and bemoan the darkness that is allowed to rule in that vacuum.

And then there is the issue of ‘quality of life’ which, for the true disciple of Jesus, is not about physical condition but about spiritual, mental, and emotional freedom that empowers us to represent Christ to this world. This, too, is an issue decided in the spirit realm.

Pause and ask yourself this question: “What would it look like to live in such a way that the physical, the tangible, and the things which are seen are no longer restrictions to experiencing the power of Father’s presence and experiencing the authority of His person?”

I believe that this is governed by what we see. Jesus only carried indescribable authority because of what He SAW His Father do. His miracles were because of what He SAW! So, what does it really mean to see in the spirit realm? Can you and I actually SEE what our Father is doing and then carry it out with boldness in this world of the tangible?

It all starts with understanding WHO God is and WHAT the nature of His world really looks like.

God Is Spirit

John 4:24 tells us that “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

The word for ‘Spirit’ here is the Greek word ‘pneuma’ which means ‘a breath of air’, ‘that which is not tangible.’ What does that mean?

If you were to breathe out right now in a warm environment, what would you see? Nothing! Of course not. Even though our breath is real, it is not often tangible. But when the environment changes, such as on a cold frosty morning, we see a mist as we breathe out. The moisture in our breath (which was previously unnoticed) has been made discernible. The environment causes the unseen to become seen, the invisible to become visible.

In the same way, Father’s intention is that we would be so intimately close to His heart in the realm of the spirit, that we see Him with the inner eye of revelation and insight. Not to necessarily see in physical form with our human eyes (He is Spirit) but that the tangible manifestation of His presence, in our inner eye, would become a spiritual reality. For example, Isaiah “saw” the Lord on the throne, as a King high and lifted up (Isaiah 6:1). He saw the intangible as if it were tangible because, in that moment, that was the element of God’s nature that God wanted Isaiah to get a renewed revelation about.

It is also true that at times God will choose to allow humanity to see a tangible demonstration in their physical world of that world that is His reality. The spirit world, which is the world of God’s reality, has no tangible form. But it can manifest in a human form or tangible substance in order to communicate God’s intention.

There are many examples in scripture of the presence of God becoming tangible:

  • For Moses and the Israelites, God’s presence appeared as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. (Exodus 13:21)
  • Angels, who have no tangible form in the spirit world, appeared to Abraham, Gideon, Zacharias, Mary, Joseph, and others.
  • At the baptism of Jesus, Holy Spirit, the breath of God, omnipresent, appeared “in bodily form as a dove” a highly intentional representation of God’s communication. (Luke 3:22)

The Invisible Becoming Visible

In order to achieve God’s intention, the invisible can become visible. This is so that the human heart is able to receive the communication intended from the Father’s heart. There is always a highly intentional message as the purpose of the tangible manifestation of God’s presence. It is never to entertain or give His people ‘goose-bumps’!

On the day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit appeared over each person’s head as “a tongue of fire” before filling them with His supernatural power (Acts 2:1-3). The original text makes it clear that they were shaped as actual tongues but that the substance they appeared to be made of was fire. Holy Spirit positioned Himself upon the disciples’ heads in such a manner because they would then associate that automatically with being anointed. (They were most aware that the anointing oil or the anointing hands of the prophet was always laid upon the head.)

The fact that He manifested as fire was to remind them of the time that He manifested to Moses and Israel as a pillar of fire. The fire was a declaration of His presence and His power. The tongue was an explanation to them, that the supernatural phenomena they were about to experience of speaking in the languages of other nations, was the result of His anointing them with His power to do so.

Jesus was transfigured on the mountain before Peter, James, and John (Matthew 17:1-3). Then Moses and Elijah materialised. These two no longer had physical bodies, and were now part of an unseen world, yet for the purpose of God’s intention, they manifested in human form! And they appeared in such a way that the disciples, who hadn’t a clue what they would have originally looked like, instantly recognised them.

Awesome! But there is always a Kingdom purpose. His manifestations are not for entertainment.

The purpose of this was so the disciples could see that Jesus was building His new Kingdom on the foundation of the law and the prophets. The Old Testament and New Testament were in perfect harmony. He was building the future with a redemption that did not disannul His Old Testament Covenant but, rather, fulfilled it.

In 2 Kings 6:8-17, we read that Elisha has been a trouble to the King of Syria, and a great army of horses and chariots and men has been sent against the city of Dothan where Elisha is. Elisha’s servant only sees the human situation and is intimidated by the suggestion of overwhelming odds. Yet Elisha says, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha cried out for the servant’s eyes to be opened. And when this prayer was answered, the servant saw what Elisha already saw – a spiritual army of horses and chariots, surrounding Elisha. What Elisha saw in the spiritual was the source of his courage and boldness, his peace and certainty, in the midst of seeming disaster.

The Kingdom Purpose 

Father desires that each of us would see with greater clarity into the spirit realm in moments when He wishes to reveal His purpose to us. That we would see a spiritual reality, a spirit world, coexistent with the reality of our natural sight, but dependent on the illumination of the Holy Spirit to become apparent.

As Father purposes to initiate on the Earth, He first accomplishes that task in the spirit-world, knowing that is the realm in which it must be first established prior to physical manifestation and outworking on the Earth. He then chooses an adopted son or daughter to “see” Him achieving that purpose (by way of Holy Spirit revelation to their hearts) so that they can achieve it in this tangible world in obedience to that which He has shown them. He doesn’t want us think of this as ‘spooky’, but rather completely normal for one that has truly been born of His Spirit and, therefore, invited to see through His eyes.

Our boldness and faith in the face of challenges doesn’t come from our disposition; it comes from what we are seeing in the spirit realm. We need eyes to see what already exists in the realm of the spirit but is invisible to the natural eye. How that is revealed to us will be, most often, unique and different from someone else’s experience. Father, knowing our uniqueness, wants to show us that world in a manner that will communicate meaningfully to us, as an individual, in our humanity.

As our love for our Father intensifies and our surrender becomes unconditional, we will find such Divine encounters more and more becoming our reality. As we do, our confidence and authority and the miracles that flow from that authority, will increasingly represent Jesus to this desperately needy world.

It starts with a fervent cry, “Open our eyes, Lord, so that we may see what YOU see!”