Spiritual Authority
Spiritual authority determines how you live life. When it comes to making known the desires God has placed within you, or pursuing the commission and calling placed upon you, what attitude do you have? When it comes to walking through life, who do you see in the mirror?
How you represent Father and to what degree you fulfil your life’s calling is determined by your spiritual authority. If you walk through life with a beggar mentality, you will plead and beg. You will be insecure and intimidated. If you walk through life as royal sons and daughters of the living God, you will embrace life with confidence, dignity, boldness and authority! Which one are you?
From the beginning, it was God’s intention for Adam and Eve (His son and daughter, made in His own image) to rule and take dominion over the earth. They were King and Queen, subject only to His own word of command. Their role was to exercise authority on the earth in line with what Father communicated to them.
They had absolute dominion and therefore had the authority to give it away… and they did. They surrendered authority to Satan the moment they listened to his advice. God now had to take back the Earth from Satanic rule and influence. Here was the dilemma: God had given the earth to mankind to rule over. The authority of Earth’s dominion had been invested in mankind. Only mankind had the legal right to take it back.
This is why, in order for His own will to be done again on earth as it is in Heaven, He had to bring the earth back under the rule of Mankind, but mankind that was fully submitted to His will and intention as Adam and Eve were in the beginning, as His son and His daughter.
Reinstating Spiritual Authority
So, Jesus came as a man – “the second Adam” – to reinstate the Earth under the rulership of mankind. He came as a man under the Divine Command of His Father. Jesus had to come as a man because only a man could take the planet back!
And Jesus did that in His humanity! And He did it in the wilderness. He paid the redemptive price for humanity on the Cross but He established His Kingship of the Earth in the wilderness. And then Jesus passed that Royal Commission on to all believers! The “Kingdom” in the Greek literally means “His authority to rule over”. This authority was given to you.
- “Heal the sick” – Exercise My authority to rule over sickness.
- “Cast our demons” – Exercise My authority to rule over the demonic.
- “Feed the multitudes” – Exercise My authority over poverty.
Jesus says in Luke 10:19 that He has given us authority over all the power of the enemy. He is making a royal commission: “Exercise My authority to rule over on the Earth!” “Be My ambassadors”. “I am King of the Earth now and I commission you to rule as Kings and Queens in My stead.” Just as Our Father did in the beginning with Adam and Eve, so Jesus does with us.
Made Kings
Here is what the Bible says about you in Revelation 1:5-6: “and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father – to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.”
Verse 6 makes it clear that it is you and I that He has made kings. Jesus is The Supreme King but we are the delegated kings of the earth. It’s only as we exercise our kingship, that God’s will can be done on earth as it is done in heaven.
The Church in the Book of Acts lived out their spiritual authority and had a revelation of their royalty. The blind eyes were opened, the dead raised, and the thousands came to Christ! They were exercising His authority to “rule over”.
Servant Leadership
One of the major stumbling blocks to Christ’s dominion on the earth has been that we have totally misunderstood the references of Jesus concerning servanthood. In Mark 10:45 Jesus says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
When Jesus was addressing broken humanity, He was automatically the servant. When He was addressing the sickness or the demonic in that humanity, He was instantly the King: sent there to enforce the will of His Father.
Every reference in the New Testament to us being a servant or serving, is descriptive of our relationship with God and with other people. In contrast, any reference to us being kings and ruling (and taking dominion) on the earth is descriptive of our relationship with the demonic, with sickness, with poverty and every element on the earth that directly withstands the will and purpose of our Father.
In relation to the natural forces on the earth Jesus saw them as under His dominion and there to serve the will of His Father. He could command fish to one side of a boat or command the wind and tempest to cease. Why? Because, as Adam and Eve before Him, He was placed upon the earth to be the son of the Father and King of the earth: “the One that ruled over”.
For Jesus there was no incompatibility with having the heart of a servant towards mankind and having the heart of a king towards all that needed to be subdued and brought in line with the will of His Father. One needed to be served with compassion and the other ruled over with authority.
Royal Birth
We have to come back to the simplicity of the Word of God: you and I are called to walk through life with a revelation of His Fatherhood and our royalty! Without it, we cannot accurately represent Jesus.
It is important that we understand the meaning of royal birth. A king is not a king because he is smarter than anybody else or that he is more educated than someone else. A king is a king because he’s born a king! A queen is a queen because she is born a queen! You can elect a Prime Minister, but you can’t elect a queen! It is in the seed of their conception.
When King Solomon came to the throne, he had every anticipation of ruling. He didn’t try to be a king. He wasn’t elected a king; He didn’t have to pass a series of tests. He was a king because he was born of his father’s seed. He was of royal conception.
Having influence as a leader means that we will reproduce after our own kind. Father desires for us to walk in the fullness of our spiritual authority so that we can accurately represent Jesus to others.
Incorruptible Seed
1 Peter 1:23 tells us that when we have been born again, we are born this time “not of corruptible seed but incorruptible.” This is the Royal seed of the Father “through the Word of God which lives and abides forever.”
John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten seed of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Jesus was King of the Earth because He was born of Royal Seed. The Word [the eternal nature of God, declared and revealed] “became flesh” or “humanity”.
This happened through the impregnating of royal seed into the womb of Mary, a human being, mankind. Jesus was “born of the incorruptible seed of the Father.” The Eternal Word; the Divine Nature of God, the DNA of God, was impregnated into a human being by a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit.
According to 1 Peter 1:23, you and I go through the same process: we are born again by a sovereign implanting of the Holy Spirit into our spirit. A literal impregnation takes place! And in that moment, I become His son – not divine yet possessing His divine nature – not God – but in every other way possible, His son!
Jesus walked this Earth clothed in humanity and servanthood but possessing the heart and authority of a King. He was born of the Father’s royal seed! And if you are a born-again Christian, so are you. If you are to accurately represent Him in this world we must once and for all accept that we are now called to walk this Earth clothed with humanity but possessing the heart of a King. Born of His incorruptible royal seed.
You are not LIKE a son, you ARE a son! You are not LIKE a daughter, you ARE a daughter! He is your Father! We don’t have to try to be a king, we ARE kings!
We have a royal commission to exercise His spiritual authority on earth to ensure His will is done. The authority you are under determines the authority you carry. You are the Ambassador of Christ. He has made you a king of the earth.
Above all else, we need a revelation in our hearts of our spiritual authority. Father so desperately wants us to see that!! Because you will never fully represent Christ the King until you do. Holy Spirit must take it from a theological understanding that we already carry in our minds and explode it with revelation in our hearts.
If you get it from head to your heart, it will disintegrate human limitations! It will blast to pieces unbelief! It will annihilate intimidation! And it will place the possession of your destiny into your hands.
Find out more about what it means to live a victorious Christian life in ‘Overcomers Born To Rule‘. In this series by David McCracken, you will learn how to exercise your spiritual authority and understand the principles that govern its operation in your daily life.