Isaac’s Wells
In Genesis 26 we read the story where Isaac reopens and digs…
Celebrate Life
I pulled myself up recently with my wayward thoughts and sometimes…
A Key To Hearing God’s Voice
God can speak to anyone at any time He chooses. Saved or sinner,…
Deeper, Stronger, Further
God gave me a prophetic picture for the Church. I saw a picture…
Green Pastures And Still Waters
Throughout our world today there is such conflict. There are…
Repairer of the Breach
Isaiah 58:12b “…And you shall be called the Repairer…
Christ As Cornerstone
Both Old and New Testament Scripture refers to Jesus as the cornerstone.…
What Is It Time For?
On occasions, Father speaks a word so powerful, that only over…
Convinced In Our Christianity
I am convinced that the majority of people in our world are not…
Available To God
We’ve entered 2023 and every day I’m becoming a little more…
2023 Prophetic Word
As we launch into another year, it’s important to hear what…
Where Is The One?
As we draw closer to Christmas, I have a question for you to…
Possessing True Liberty
God promises us liberty and freedom. People often use the phrase,…
Living Beyond The Veil
I want to invite you into a world in which the physical, the…
Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given
I have often been asked concerning what I experience when bringing…
Seeing In The Spirit Realm
With today’s world fascinated with the themes of Harry Potter,…
Restoring The Flow
The Lord wants to bring a word of comfort and restoration today.…
Discipleship is an essential part of being a follower of Christ.…
Memorial Stones
Father gave me this word to bring to you:
‘Celebrate memories…
What Do You See
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we just leapt from one glorious…
Prophetic Declaration To The Body Of Christ
Dear Friends,
It has been only on very rare occasions…
Christmas – More Than A Season
Christmas. It is one simple word that conveys a lot.
Do Not Be Intimidated
My dear friends, what an incredible hour we live in! It is no…
A United Voice
A united voice is powerful, whether it is for good or it is for…
Dreams On The Shelf
I have a bowl of coins sitting on the shelf in my cupboard. The…
Understanding Seasons
In the natural, we live life differently in summer than we do…
The Year To Build
2021. A new year dawns and with it the promise of new beginnings.
A Christmas Miracle
There are many things that come to mind when we think of Christmas.…
One of the most challenging things in life is being confronted…
God’s Design
The creation of the whole world began with God and His design.…
Ambassadors For Christ
This world desperately needs to see Jesus as He really is. And…
Beyond Understanding
As human beings, we are naturally curious. We like to know things…
Abba Father
The word ‘father’ brings to mind different meanings and memories…
A Word About The End Times
People love to speculate on the End Times. I have heard many…
Don’t Postpone the Call of God
The call of God is anything God asks us to do; it’s God’s…
The Birthplace of Your Miracle
Easter is all about a cross, a cave and a resurrection. Easter…
A New Destination
Father wants to put fresh, new spiritual destinations in your…
Influence or Success
God is calling us to be people of greater influence. We are all…
God of Light
God is a God of light, not a God of darkness. In a world where…
One Handful or Two
God asked me one day, “What do you have in your hand?” Not…
The Anointed One
Jesus Christ is the anointed one. He is the Messiah, our deliverer,…
We Shall Reign
Although entering the Promised land was a wonderful, long-awaited…
Humility and Righteousness
What is the connection between our humility and our righteousness?…
Just Three Words From Jesus
God is speaking all the time. He speaks in parables and stories,…
Never Too Late
There are times when we feel like God is too late. Our challenges…
Stillness and Silence
Sometimes when the pressure of decision is very real, there is…
Not My Will
There are times when we desire something different to what God…
Your Confession
Father knows your thoughts, your inner desires and dreams, your…
Whatever You Do
Following the life and example of Jesus can be a hard act to…
Trust and Let Go
It is winter and the cold, crisp mornings awaken the senses and…