
Dreams On The Shelf

Dreams On The Shelf

I have a bowl of coins sitting on the shelf in my cupboard. The coins have value, and I could easily use them, but I stopped carrying them in my purse because they were heavy. I didn’t want my bag to be weighed down. So, there they sit, unused, waiting for someone to pick them up.

Just like these coins, we may have dreams on the shelf or gifts that we have placed on hold. While there are seasons in the Lord when He directs us to wait for certain things to come to fruition, we need to be honest with our hearts. Has God shelved that dream, or have we? Is God asking us to be patient, or has the fear of man, fear of the cost, or other worries and distractions caused us to put God’s calling on the shelf?

Some of you have put aside a dream because it feels too heavy to carry. Perhaps there are gifts and callings that are on hold because it appears they cost too much to use. The responsibility seems weighty, but the Lord says that His burden is easy, and His yoke is light. There is sacrifice involved in carrying out Father’s purposes, but when we lose our life for Christ’s sake, we will find true life in abundance.

Matthew 11:29-30 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

The Lord declares that it is time to partner with His will and intention. It is time to act. If your gifts are sitting motionless, remember that they have no ability to move on their own. Now is the moment to pick up that gift and allow the Holy Spirit to breathe life into it. Prophesy to those dry bones and see them take form.

One of those coins on their own might not seem like much. But when combined with other coins, there is weightiness and worth. Don’t put those prophetic promptings aside because they seem of little value. Don’t believe the lie of the enemy that what God has for you is only a small thing. God has good and abundant gifts for every believer, and value must be measured in light of eternity, not from a temporal perspective. The worth is not in what we can do; the value is when we surrender as a vessel to be used for His glory.

Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Peter said to the lame man that he didn’t have any silver or gold, but he gave everything he had. He carried the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and saw a miracle take place. As believers, we have each received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Don’t discount what seems to be insignificant. With only a mustard seed of faith you can move mountains!

It is time to take that dream off the shelf.


A significant mountain range


Do you know that you are significant? That’s right: you are significant to God. Do you also know that God wants you to do something significant with your life? Significance speaks of substance and weight; it is about meaning, worth, importance, and impact… your life is significant.

You might say “Steve, that’s just not possible. You don’t know my situation. My family life is challenging and I don’t have any special gifts. I simply don’t have the opportunity and arena to be significant. I love God but my life will never be significant”. There are some of you that honestly feel that but I have some good news for all of us.

It all depends how you measure significance. Most of the time our thought of significance is doing something amazing! People might do something amazing and it might be significant, but it may also be insignificant in terms of importance and eternal value. True significance is measured by our obedience to what God asks us to do. This is great news for a couple of reasons:

  1. We can all hear from God, and we can all obey Him.
  2. God knows about my current situation and He knows what we are capable of.

Today, here is a good question we can all ask.
“God what would you like me to do with my life that is significant?” Then listen and obey. God might ask you to pray, to encourage, to give, to go, to listen, or to share. He may ask you to simply love your family and give to them sacrificially. Father might speak to you about changing direction or persevering in the same thing. If God asks you to do something and you do it, then that is significant!

Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

We don’t need to be important before others; let’s measure our significance according to God’s direction and our obedience.