
Celebrate Life

I pulled myself up recently with my wayward thoughts and sometimes wayward speech. Over the last 10 years, how did I become ‘old’! How did I get from a fit, active, and healthy 40-year-old, to a 77-year-old with aches and pains, sags and bags, wrinkles, and diminished strength and health? And how much do I really celebrate life?

Ageing has taken place. Ageing is a life process.

When a baby is born, it’s a newborn. Over time it becomes a one-year-old. Then a five-year-old. Later a twenty-one-year-old… the aging process continues, and so on and so forth. It only stops when we die.

We age, we change, we mature (hopefully) and we sure look different as the decades pass. Old age is NOT for the faint-hearted!


I know that random things can happen that can rob people of their minds and health. It’s extremely sad. But those of us who can think clearly can make a choice.

Either I can believe that because I am old, my best years are well and truly behind me. I can allow this thinking to affect me. I can mistakenly think that I have reasons to stop loving life and exploring new possibilities in God. My negative thoughts make every area of my life worse and bring unhappiness. Or I understand that I may be 77 or 80 or whatever age… BUT I CHOOSE LIFE! I choose to believe that God still has plenty for me to do. I am useful and fruitful as I abide in Him.

Recently I saw a comment on social media about actor Clint Eastwood. (This is not an endorsement of Clint, just an observation.) Clint is in his 90’s and is still involved in directing movies and active in his life.  At the age of 88, he was asked what the key was to being so alive and energetic. He answered, “I don’t let the old man in.” It struck a chord with me. It’s a way of thinking! A choice.

Proverbs 23:7a (NKJV) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.


I have friends in their 80’s whose thinking is based on the Word of God. They are a joy to be around! They think young, are full of gratitude and joy, and have a positive outlook on life. (Contrasted by those who are negative, complaining, unhappy and have a pessimistic outlook.)

My source is God, “For in Him, we live and move and have our being”. (Acts 17:28a) The Holy Spirit within me gives me the strength to face everyday challenges with wisdom and perseverance. He is my strength, even if I am weak. He is the ‘difference Maker’.

Proverbs 18:14a (NKJV) The Spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness.

Our spirit is stronger than our body… now ain’t that the truth! Our Spirit can change our body! We can experience peace and joy at the same time as we experience pain. I choose to think young.

I am grateful for all that I have. God has purpose and ministry for me now and in my future. I choose to serve others, love, encourage, step out in faith and obey His commandments. There is a daily decision to stand on the promises of God and believe in the truth of His word. I endeavour to live by faith, and I trust Him.

This is a great promise:

Isaiah 46:3-4 (NIV) “Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob, all the remnant of the people of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

We all need a personal conviction that God is good and that He is ordering our steps. He has been faithful throughout my lifetime, and I know that He always will be.

Note to self: Don’t let the old lady in! 😃


A Christmas Miracle

There are many things that come to mind when we think of Christmas. Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas dinner, the gifts, and spending time with family. Let’s not forget Christmas carols, Christmas cards, and the excitement (or trepidation) of Christmas shopping. Even in many non-Christian communities and families around the world, Christmas is celebrated with enthusiasm.

For believers, it is a time to focus on the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It is a season of joy, of gratitude, and new life.

The Christmas story is full of miracles. In fact, without the miraculous, there would have been no Christmas story. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon Mary to allow a virgin to conceive and give birth to the Son of God (Luke 1:26-33). The wise men were directed by a star to come and worship Jesus after He was born (Matthew 2:1-2). The angel of the Lord warned Joseph through a dream so that their family could escape from Herod and go to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). Supernatural wonders were demonstrated again and again throughout the conception, birth, and life of Jesus.

The word miracle in the Greek is the word ‘dunamis’. This word means power, miraculous force, or mighty strength. When we see a miracle, it is God’s mighty power becoming evident.

While all miraculous stories centred around the birth of Jesus are incredible, one of the greatest Christmas miracles is something small and unexpected. Something we can all have, but often need more of. A conviction which is freely available, but regularly comes under attack. And that Christmas miracle is BELIEF.

For the Christmas miracles to come to pass, ordinary people like you and me had to believe. They had to take God at His word. People had to trust that the signs they had seen, and the dreams they had received, were true. God needed men and women to partner with Him. Mary needed to believe what the angel Gabriel told her, and she came into agreement with God’s plan. Joseph had to believe that his betrothed was indeed impregnated – not by a human being, but by God himself. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth believed that she was in the presence of the Saviour the moment that her own baby in her womb leapt with joy.

Belief is a simple word, but such a powerful concept. It means to place confidence in or to credit as true, even when we don’t have proof. It shouldn’t be surprising that those who profess to follow Christ are called believers! To have faith in an unseen God is a necessary foundation of Christianity.

Romans 10:9 (NIV) If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Belief is necessary for the miraculous, but it also unlocks blessing. Luke 1:45 tells us that Mary was blessed because she “believed that the Lord would fulfil his promises to her.” After his death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and says to Thomas:

John 20:29 “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

We are blessed to be called children of God. We are blessed with every spiritual blessing. Yet through circumstances and disappointments, our faith can diminish. Even when we still believe in God and His Word, our belief for the miraculous can waver.

For many of us, this year has been filled with challenges and difficulties. Our faith has been tested like never before. But as we look forward with anticipation to Christmas, it is time to believe for new things. It is time to expect the miraculous again.

Your own Christmas miracle is not out of reach. It might seem impossible, illogical or even crazy, but our God is the God of the impossible. His miraculous power is available to us. If he can part the Red Sea, then he can make a way for you. If Jesus can raise Lazarus from the dead, He can bring that dream back to life. If Paul and Silas can be freed from prison and lead the jailer and his family to salvation and baptism, there is still hope for your unsaved family and friends.

If a coin can be found in the mouth of a fish, then the Holy Spirit can direct you out of that financial challenge you are facing. If God can provide manna for the Israelites, He can put food on your table this Christmas.

Keep praying and keep believing for your Christmas miracle. Keep coming into agreement with God’s Word. Together, let’s expect the unexpected for this next season and for the New Year.



One of the most challenging things in life is being confronted with the need for change. Transition can be so difficult – yet it is common to us all.

The world is filled with disillusioned and broken people that did not understand the nature of transition and the changes that it brings. We all experience transition, but understanding the nature of change is critical to us continuing to run this race with honour and a sense of destiny.

Billy Graham once said: “Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.”

A valley is but a place of transition between two mountaintops. It is that necessary terrain that takes us from the height achievable yesterday to the greater height achievable tomorrow. And yet, as we pass through it, it is there and there alone that the strength, the preparation, the enlargement of heart and spirit, the forging of deep inner strength necessary to scale that greater height is gained.

The definition of transition from the online dictionary is movement, or change from one position, state, subject, season, or concept to another.

It is in the transition of the valley that the fruit is grown, and the spirit of conquest is forged that empowers that person to scale the greater height. They do not scale that greater height in spite of the valley but because of it. That transition is a vital insert of time that empowers them for their future task. To be thankful for it is to gain from it that for which it was designed, to resent it is to gain only disappointment. Transition is empowering when embraced.

The Insecurity Of Change

Transition often means days of questions, of feeling insecure, days when you desperately need to refocus on God’s faithfulness and God’s integrity.  Your trust in Him must go to a new level in times of transition. Why? Because transition takes us from the familiar to the unknown, from the secure to the vulnerable. Psalm 23:4 tells us that God is with us, even in the darkest valleys and the most difficult times.

The reason why so many avoid transition rather than embrace it is that transition is scary! But transition is inevitable if we are to grow.

Transition touches all our lives at various moments and can touch every area of who we are and our personal world. It must. It is about the preparation of your heart for the new season of God. It is about your enlargement of spirit and faith, the creation of a deeper well of potential within you. Transition is about increasing your capacity for life!

If your season seems to have been unduly long or hard and you know that you have walked in intimacy with God and integrity with others, be encouraged with the knowledge that it is only longer because the commission is greater. It is not a time to allow discouragement but to look up with an expectant heart for the new chapter that God has been preparing you for.

Remember, the One Who holds your future, now directs your path. The Author of your change will also become your empowerment and sufficiency for that change. Your loving Father does not lead you there to see you struggle but to reveal Himself to you in a unique way. As you turn your gaze from the perplexity of the questions to the security of His love, you will find there is always that grace available for each new day.


Beyond Understanding

Beyond Understanding

As human beings, we are naturally curious. We like to know things and understand them. But is our ability to understand everything essential for spiritual growth and the development of spiritual gifts? No. In fact, a sign of spiritual maturity is an acceptance that there will always be things that are beyond our understanding.

Job 36:26 (NIV) How great is God—beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out.

A willingness to not understand is a sign of humility.

God knows everything, we do not. It’s good to remember that Gods ways and His thoughts are so much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). It’s also good to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought (Romans 12:3). Humility is more necessary for spiritual growth than understanding is.

Humility is equally required in our spiritual gifts. Even when Father reveals something to us, we only get a part of the picture or story.

1 Corinthians 13:9 (NIV) For we know in part and we prophesy in part.

A willingness to not understand is a sign of trust. 

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Completely understanding something often eliminates the need for having to trust in someone. God wants us to trust in Him completely, yet too often our greater trust can be in our ability to understand something.

When it comes to receiving a prophetic word from God for someone, we don’t always understand what it means. This can be a scary step of faith, because if we had a little more understanding, we could be a bit more confident. But the truth is, these are the very times when our trust in God is to be greater than our trust in our understanding.

If there is an item of technology that you completely understand and you know from experience it works, your confidence is in the item. However, if you don’t understand an item and you don’t know if it works, your trust in it is connected to who tells you about it. If you trust the person, you can trust the item.

When God speaks, we can trust Him completely. If we don’t understand what He says, we can still trust in Him because He is always trustworthy.

A willingness to not understand keeps us from distraction.

Many people have spent many hours trying to understand something. While understanding in and of itself is not a wrong pursuit, the problem is when the time given and the thing pursued is taking you away from time with Father and what He wants to show you.

When the disciples asked Jesus about the times and seasons, He redirected them to His present commission to be His witnesses (Acts 1:6-8). If the disciples had stayed focused on what they wanted to understand, they would have been off track with what Jesus was initiating.

It’s important to note that the disciples weren’t asking a question about something grievous to God. The question itself and the desire to understand the times and seasons was not wrong, but it was not Jesus’ focus at that moment. Their ability to move beyond understanding did not distract them from the powerful day of Pentecost and the birth of the early Church.

A willingness to not understand is an invitation into deeper intimacy.

Ephesians 1:17 (NIV) I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

When it comes to knowing God and walking with God, there will always be an element of mystery. There is both the reality that God is infinitely larger than our natural minds can ever comprehend, and the invitation to search for Him more intimately.

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Finding God on deeper levels is not connected to natural understanding but to divine wisdom and revelation. This is about finding God in our heart and our spirit, not just in our minds. It is knowing Him as Abba Father. There is something beautiful about knowing someone, and because of what you know, your desire to know and love them further grows stronger over time.

A willingness to not understand is an invitation into deeper peace.

Philippians 4:6-7 NIV Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We often bring our requests to God because we do not understand something. Our way of doing things would be for God to give us the understanding to our requests and that peace would be the result of understanding. But this is so often not God’s way and it is for a very good reason.

If understanding is the ultimate goal of our prayers and it is the guaranteed outcome, our peace is attached to our understanding. But when we are growing deeper in intimacy with the One who loves us unconditionally and completely, our peace is found in Him and it is experienced even deeper in the absence of understanding.

Beyond Understanding

Job 37:5 (NIV) God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.

We should desire to know God better and to understand His ways more. But this understanding is a spiritual revelation from the Holy Spirit, not an accumulation of facts from studying books or from life experience.

So as we lean into God more and desire what is on His heart for us and for others through us, we are called to be faith-filled people who have a confidence in God and a willingness to live beyond our understanding.

One Handful or Two

One Handful or Two

God asked me one day, “What do you have in your hand?” Not literally in my hand, but what was I juggling in my life? And when I answered the question honestly, I realised that it was not just one handful that I was carrying, but actually I had both hands full. And my hands were full to overflowing. I was so busy doing things for God that I had been distracted from chasing after God himself.

I have found myself at times chasing many things. And they may have been good things – related to family, ministry, or church life. But as a bit of an over-achiever, I can easily find myself with too much on my plate. I say yes out of enthusiasm to help others, which can result in feeling worn out or depleted.

Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.

When I was younger, my Dad used to have a bit of fun when offering us certain foods – such as a slice of cake or slice of cheese. He would ask whether we wanted a one-handed slice or a two-handed slice. Of course, if my friends were around, they would always ask for a two-handed slice – it sounded like it was going to be so much bigger and so much better! But in fact, a two-handed slice was so thin and fragile that it needed to be held with both hands. It would crumble at a moment’s notice. The one-handed slice was the one you really wanted – it was thick and stable and easily held in one hand.

When both our hands are so full of stuff in our lives, it is like that two-handed slice. Life seems like it will be so much better when we have two hands full – but in fact, too much and our lives feel thin and as if things would easily crumble. We end up chasing after the wrong things, and it takes all of our energy to ensure that things don’t fall apart. But we don’t want to drop the ball or let people down, so we keep straining to juggle our many responsibilities. As a result, our life feels unstable and uncertain.

When I chase after many things that are not in God’s plan, I lose my tranquillity. I forfeit that inner state of being calm and settled. I end up toiling and working so hard I lose my joy. And if we are honest, amidst the many good things in our lives, we can end up a slave to what seem to be good things. But too many seemingly good things are not always right if they are not in God’s plan.

Matthew 6:33-34 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Jesus teaches us not to worry about tomorrow, and to seek Him first. God’s ways are always higher than our ways. If we stick to one handful of the things in life, we have the other hand free – to hold God’s hand. To allow Him to lead and guide us. To ensure that we have the margin and space in our day to hear His voice and be led by the Holy Spirit. With one hand full, our lives are stable and secure in Him. And with just one hand full, we also have the other hand free to help others along the way as He directs.

So, allow Father to speak into what you have in your hands. Don’t get caught up in meaningless toil – live your life with one handful, not two.

Philippians 1:6 (TLB) And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.

Trust and Let Go

Trust and Let Go

It is winter and the cold, crisp mornings awaken the senses and chase the fog from one’s brain.  As I yet again gaze out of my office window, my eyes take in the conifer still lush and green, and the deciduous tree whose nakedness is so stark in contrast.  There is one tree in particular that I have been looking at each morning, awaiting an event that seems determined not to occur.  It has lost its leaves completely except for six small reminders that stubbornly refuse to release the Autumn in which they flourished.

My first thoughts are those of admiration as I think of their ability to hang on and persevere. What is it that gives them that capacity to cling to the branch when no others can? It has been many days now that they have defied the elements of this season’s harsher days.

But this morning another thought came as I looked to find them still there: as amazing as their resilience is, is it not misguided? Is it not also true that whilst they occupy that one small spot on that tree, that nothing new can grow in their place?  In their magnificent endurance they are unwittingly postponing the coming of Spring.

For now, that is acceptable—for the time appointed for Spring has not yet arrived. But it will come. My friends, seasons are so important.  There is the season of perseverance, to cling to the loyalty of that which has been; and there is the season to recognise God’s awakening to a future promise. When that moment arrives, the act of greater courage is not perseverance or endurance but the trust that allows you to relinquish. Because there is a time for everything—including for uprooting and letting go. (Ecc 3:1-2)

Finally letting go of that which was once filled with promise but now lies dead and cold is often heart-rending and traumatic.  But it is vital to make way on the branch for the coming of the new buds of Spring.

In the simplicity of trust and an unreasonable faith in the Father’s love, open those hands and let go.  For a fleeting moment you may feel a wind of insecurity caused by a vulnerability of the unknown, but it will pass. In its place you will find a new awareness as the Holy Spirit whispers fresh thoughts of new days of promise.

Spring is on its way a little while from now, and the Gardener of our souls beckons us to make way for it with an open heart made ready by the relinquishing of the Autumn now gone. Trust in your Abba Father as you draw near to Him.

You can dare to trust and let go for He is worthy of that trust. Read more about making hard decisions in your life.

Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing Is Impossible

Have you ever felt God was asking you to do something completely unreasonable? Something that was glorious and wonderful in its potential but utterly impossible in its execution? Why entice me Lord, if there just isn’t any possibility of it?

Well, just imagine being Joshua! The Jordan is a raging torrent of water that forbids the Israelites from going into the Promised Land. It was simply impossible to cross! And yet the promise could not be fulfilled without crossing it.

I want to assure you that God has an increased adventure of faith for each one of us. However, I also have the conviction that if we are to possess HIS ultimate intention, it will involve embracing that which is impossible. We will know what it is to stand at the edge of Jordan: we will sense the imminent revelation of a commission that will be not only extraordinary in its potential but utterly impossible in its execution.

Can you just imagine Joshua?

The first question must have been: “But Lord! Where is my rod?! I believe you can part the waters because I have seen you do it before. But I need the rod! Moses had a rod! The Miracle Power to part waters comes with the ROD anointing! Lord, where is my rod?”

But this time, there was no rod.

“Lord, how can you expect me to part the waters if you take away from me the very anointing that one needs to part waters?!”

  • How can I build without brick and mortar?
  • How can I achieve without finances?
  • How can I travel without a healing?
  • How can I produce a book if cannot write?
  • How can I succeed if the business had to close?
  • How can I start another campus if there is no venue?
  • How can I achieve more for your Kingdom if the very thing I have always used to achieve it with has now been taken from me?

I can just imagine the perplexity in Joshua’s mind: “My God, why have you taken the rod of Moses from me in the time when I desperately need it?!!!”

But the Lord’s method this time was to be so very different. This time no rod was necessary. This time His presence alone would part the waters. As the priests who carried the Ark of His Presence stepped into the waters, without the rod, without Joshua giving any miracle commands, just in simple obedience and faith, the waters parted!

God was taking them to an even greater level of trust and obedience. It wasn’t His neglect that removed the rod, it was part of His greater intention: He wanted them to know that they served “A God for whom NOTHING was impossible!”

Friends, as we put our hands up and volunteer for the supernatural adventure of life, what do we need to hear?

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

  • “With GOD” (Just him! His power, His presence, His person!)
  • “ALL things ARE possible!” (A totally unqualified statement!)

It is time to live a MIRACULOUS LIFE! Not just believe it intellectually or include it in our preaching! But to live it!

I invite you to join me in volunteering for a life of unqualified surrender, a life in which we say to Father; “Whatever You ask me to do, Lord, I will do it!” Nothing is impossible! Let the new adventure begin.

The Hard Decisions

The Hard Decisions

There are times in our lives when we have to make some very difficult decisions. Sometimes, in obedience to a very clear word from the Lord, we have to make decisions that tug at our emotions and defy our logic.

The challenge in such times is to not to look at personalities and circumstances, or even the human evidences that present themselves. The very simple answer is that Father sees aspects of the future that we do not. He not only sees His intention for you but for each individual involved. It comes down to trust. There are times in all of our lives that we must simply trust the One who is directing our ways and to Whom we have given that unconditional right.

When our decisions (no matter how hard) are the fruit of obedience, there will always be an abundance of grace for each one affected by that decision. It has been truly wonderful for me to see the Grace-filled responses from people over decades now who have been confronted with the need for change that they could not at that time see the reason for. No bad attitudes, no reactions. Just a wonderful commitment to continue as true friends of Jesus and their brethren, trusting Fathers wisdom as He now writes a new chapter.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

The truth is, that no one can take a step of faith and obedience without that step leading to a season of increased fruitfulness. That, I know, will be the outcome for each of you now in that moment of decision. We already celebrate with you in the anticipation of that which Father will now do for you.

My friends, I trust that this will encourage you to trust and let go in the times of your difficult decisions.

One thing is totally predictable: Our Father is always motivated for our good and always working to a strategic plan to reveal His faithfulness to us. Let’s continue to trust Father in the midst of the hard decisions.