Green Pastures and Still Waters

Green Pastures And Still Waters

Throughout our world today there is such conflict. There are wars, and so many people are afflicted by tragedy. In our own world, there are often challenges and conflicts that carry no explanation and tug us towards that place of bewilderment.

In the midst of devastating news, hurled at us from every corner of the globe, it is so very easy to lose sight of the Prince of Peace who is the Lord and director of our lives.

Today I want to draw us all back to what the Bible calls “green pastures and still waters”.

Psalms 23:2-3 (NKJV) He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

To me it is most evident that the restoring of our soul (that refreshing, replenishing, and bringing back to vibrancy) is only possible when we draw aside from the flurry of the battle. It is only possible when in quietness of heart, we listen to the voice of our Father in a place of stillness.

In this time of Christmas and the New Year soon to be upon us, we find ourselves asking the questions, “What will the future hold?” “What can I do better in 2024?” “Will the pain in 2023 bring in something beautiful in 2024 – and if so, how?”

My friends, the answers to these questions do not lie in the wrestling of our own mind, but in finding a place of stillness, so that the mind of our Father might become apparent to us. Such times will not just happen. They need to be prioritized and planned for.

Allow me to quote from my book “The Truman Parable” (which I urge you to read this holiday period).

“In the tranquility and stillness of the early morning, I walk among the acres of gum trees a few minutes from my home. For me, this is my Father’s garden. As I talk out my heart to Him and listen for His heart in return, it is as if the past 6000 years are erased. We are in the garden together again.”

Green Pastures – The Place Of Intimacy

In the green pastures, I hear His desires, His passions, and His plans for my future. I feel the warmth of His love and the wonder of His unconditional acceptance when I am beside the still waters.

He reminds me that striving is no longer needed, that the access to His grace and to His heart is open wide. It is there that I discard all formality of prayer, and simply commune with my loving Father.

Your garden is not a matter of geography. Your garden is the place of intimacy with your Father in which there are neither restrictions nor barriers to the giving and receiving of unqualified love.

I am believing that for every one of you, 2024 will be a year of discovery and wonder. A year of new empowerment and fruitfulness. The voice that will direct you to such awesome green pastures is found beside still waters. I pray we all will make such times our priority.

With much love and an anticipation for your future,



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