
Living Beyond The Veil

I want to invite you into a world in which the physical, the tangible, and the seen are no longer restrictions to the experiencing of the power of His presence and His person. I want to invite you to live beyond the veil!

Revelation 3:21 (NKJV) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Tragically, many who read this scripture have have created a theology that allows for this in a future time to come, but denies us access to it today (other than in a symbolic statement of believers having the authority of Jesus). But this is not true! I believe we have present-tense access to the throne room of God when, being in spirit, we can see what Father intends us to see! But is our access unconditional?

Matthew 27:50-52 (NKJV) And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;

The most supernatural world changing event of history had just taken place! The atonement had been made for all mankind, the conquering of Satan and the vanquish of his rule on Earth had been fully achieved.

What I want you to notice (what this message is all about) is that the very first thing that came as a result of the declaration of Jesus, “It is finished!”, was the ripping apart of the temple veil from top to bottom. Top to bottom – because it was ripped asunder by the hand of Jehovah God himself.

It was the very first thing on God’s agenda – the instant response of Heaven! “Tear that veil apart!” But why was it so important? Why was it such a priority? Friends, the miracle of Calvary, the great atonement of history, the invasion of the Godhead, the establishment of the lordship of Jesus on this planet, was all about ripping apart for ever that which separated mankind from the glory and presence of God!

To understand the significance of the event, you have to understand why that veil had been put there in the beginning. Let me explain.

The Veil Established

The veil was first established in Moses’ tabernacle and then continued into Solomon’s temple, where it was on the day that the command of Jesus ripped it apart. But why was it put there in the first place?

God had made the decision to have a physical dwelling place on the earth so that he might, at times, position Himself amongst his people. The only problem was that mankind, in his unredeemed, sinful state, would have been incinerated instantly in the presence of such incredible power!

The veil was God’s compassionate protection. People have so misunderstood this. When you go into a room with a nuclear reactor, you wear protective gear… not because that reactor is evil or harsh, but because humanity needs protection from such power.

So, the veil was there for protection. No one was allowed to enter, except for one exception. The High Priest, once a year on the Day of Atonement, after much cleansing and preparation of heart, could enter to seek atonement for God’s people.  Such was the indescribable power and holiness of God’s presence that a rope was tied around his ankle, just in case he had any sin left in him… in which case, he would have never survived the event! They would have had to drag out his corpse.

Can you just imagine it! The staggering event when God came to dwell on the earth in a physical location! The One that consumed the top of Mt. Sinai with fire when he turned up, the One that would cause the earth to quake at His arrival, the One that could point His finger and part the sea, the One that with one word created galaxies in space. HE was on the other side of that veil!

What would the emotions of that High Priest have been like? Fear yet awe, terrifying yet irresistible! Like an astronaut going to be the first person to travel in space. Knowing that it could cost him his life yet filled with the staggering potential and the wonder of it all! The scariest moment of his entire life.

Inside that veil was the holiness and presence of Jehovah, Father God, Creator of heaven and earth, manifested by the Spirit; the throne room of heaven materialised into this tangible human world. Just beyond that veil! It was amazing! And all for one man and one man alone, and only once a year.

All that the rest of the nation of Israel could do was pray for that priest, that he would return alive. They themselves could never participate; they could never hope to experience it. The veil was the constant reminder that unredeemed humanity could not enter God’s personal presence and hope to live. For thousands of years that’s the way it was. Year after year, generation after generation.

The Veil Is Torn

But one day, suddenly, Heaven gasped, demons trembled, and the universe was shaken!

Jesus, the new ruler of the planet, was declaring that the temple veil was to be removed! He was declaring, by His atoning sacrifice, that the access to God’s presence was now open and could be entered into without fear!

His shed blood was the atonement that cleansed the human heart and brought about such transformation that the individual could literally enter the presence of God and not be incinerated but be empowered! God no longer demanded the separation from the realm of His reality and the realm of our reality. The veil between the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal, the natural world, and the spirit world, had been removed!

My friends, I want to offer you an invitation: not to some fantasy, not to a distortion of reality, not to some Spielberg movie, but simply another dimension that exists parallel with our own for those whose hearts have been cleansed and whose eyes have been opened to see it.

His presence is no longer in one geographical place but universal. His person fills the galaxies with His power. He exists in a world parallel to our own! On every mountain, in every valley, in every boardroom or family kitchen. In every office, auditorium, or carpark. The natural world and the spirit world co-exist for those whose eyes have been enlightened.

How do I know that it is real? How do I know that it is accessible? Because, my friends, I have already discovered what it is to live there!

Access to the Throne Room

I want to invite you into the reality of His unseen world. I want to invite you into a world of access to the throne of God. Not as a religious theory but an experiential reality!

I want to invite you to live a life beyond the veil!

My friends, what I am declaring to you is completely Scriptural. Paul said that we were to “come boldly before the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). We are called to access the very throne room of God! But we have made that just a figure of speech. (And for some, an alternative expression for ‘having a time of prayer’.)

Ephesians 2:6 calls us to be “seated with Him in Heavenly places”. THAT is an invitation! To step from the realm of our reality into the realm of His reality, to live beyond the veil and to be in spirit.

That veil of separation, existing for thousands of years, was powerfully ripped to pieces by the Lord of that throne room. Yet today, the vast bulk of Christians, singing praises on Sunday and faithfully attending their local church, do not live beyond the veil in the place of His glory and presence. Tragically most leaders don’t either.

I truly believe that, for most Christians today, the veil still exists! They still live restricted to their humanity, influenced by the world of the tangible, never experiencing the power of accessing the unseen world of God’s person and presence. Consequently, they reflect the culture of the world they live in.

But what a tragedy… because now it is not a veil of God’s making, but a veil of their own making. YES! I’m talking to Christians!

A person can be saved and going to Heaven, and fully involved in their local Church, and yet live a lifetime without ever having experienced the intimacy of His presence, and the power and authority of His throne room. Never experiencing the wonder of being in spirit and seeing Father’s intention. But God is calling you right now, “Don’t settle for that!”

Hebrews 10:19-20 (NKJV) Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,

Let me offer you an invitation! It is time to decide!

  • Are you willing to crown Him truly Lord of your world?
  • Will you get passionate about craving for intimacy with His heart?
  • Will you seek compatibility with His Holy Spirit?
  • Will your cry be to have instant access to His throne?

If that is your heart’s cry, then your Father stands waiting for you with his arms open wide in indescribable love and unqualified acceptance.

My invitation to you is to live beyond the veil! Not to visit once in a while but to live there.

My friends, tear down the veil!



Read David’s previous blog: Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given.

Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given

I have often been asked concerning what I experience when bringing a prophetic picture to an individual; a prophetic picture that describes God’s intention to them at that moment.

What Do I See Prophetically?

Often what I see is some symbolic scene, activity, or substance, such as a rose bush, or a sailing yacht, a thing that is not necessarily literal, but immediately communicates to the individual the spiritual truth that God is trying to get them to see.

I might see a fishing boat run aground on the reef, and discover that the person loves fishing, and their life has felt like it was shipwrecked. It is personal, it is unique, and it tells them that Father knows them and cares.

Several times I have been shown the picture of a person changing their walking shoes for running shoes; meaning that it is time for them to accelerate in their calling. Other times, it is a glimpse of what Father has for them in a future time. So why are prophetic pictures given?

Prophetic pictures are given to convey a spiritual reality or a divine intention.

With these thoughts in mind, let us look at how the Apostle John experienced this prophetic grace:

(Authors notes in brackets in the following scriptures)

Revelation 4:1 (NKJV) After these things I looked, (literally: “to stare intently as one that has been given the capacity to perceive”) and behold, a door… (literally: “a portal or entrance, an opening”) standing open in heaven… (Greek word ’ouranos’ – means “air or sky” – by implication heaven, eternity) And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”

Literally, a portal opened between John and eternity, between the world of the tangible in which he lived and the spirit world of God’s presence. And once able to see in that realm, John was given the ability to see into an aspect of the future because past, present and future all co-exist in the spirit world of God’s presence. It was a prophetic glimpse.

Revelation 4:2 (NKJV) Immediately I was in (the) Spirit; (’the’ is not in the original)

and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.

John, now with his spiritual eyes opened to see, was able to see through a portal into eternity, into the spirit world of God’s existence, and saw the throne of God! He had suddenly become compatible with that other dimension. He was ‘in spirit’!

The significance is this: Holy Spirit gave him eyes to see what was already there in the realm of the spirit but invisible to the natural eye.

God is Spirit. So, whatever it was that John saw, it was not physical, it was not tangible… but it was communicated to him in a manner that would have been meaningful to him in his human understanding. He saw a throne. That immediately communicated to John a king and his royal, undisputed right to rule.

God doesn’t have a physical throne anywhere in the entire universe! It was an impression in John’s spirit imagination which Holy Spirit used to communicate the awesome power and authority of God’s person and presence. But did he ‘see’ it? Yes, he did!

Revelation 1:10-11 (NKJV) I was in (the) Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book…”

Please note that the voice was not from the sky or from some distant place or even somewhere in front of him, it was from behind him. Which clearly indicates that he was already there! He was already in the throne room! But suddenly became aware of that reality!

As he stepped ‘into spirit’, no longer blinded by the natural world of his human surroundings, he was able to see what God already saw… and wanted to communicate to him! And because God’s sight is not confined to the present, he was able to see the future as well as the present. That’s all the prophetic gift really is. It is a moment in which, being ‘in spirit’, we catch glimpses of tomorrow! That’s why prophetic pictures are given.

In my next blog I will build on this foundation and share with you the wonder of ‘Living Beyond the Veil’.


Watch a 3-minute video – Imagination and Prophetic Pictures.

Memorial Stones

Father gave me this word to bring to you:

‘Celebrate memories that will empower your future!’

Memories can either empower you or disempower you. They can either build your faith or destroy your faith. And the memories we carry into our future are the fruit of choice. That’s why it is vital to tomorrow’s success that we choose wisely which memories we starve and which memories we feed.

In Israel, God had his people erect memorial altars. These altars were to remind them, in days of challenge and overwhelming odds, that the God who had supernaturally intervened yesterday was still the God who could supernaturally intervene today and tomorrow. The same God who brought down the walls of Jericho.

Joshua 6:20

So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

This is one of the greatest miracles in the Bible! It’s a miracle that led to the Israelites going on to possess the land of promise. But it was so illogical, so unreasonable that it required such enormous trust, not only in God, but in that Joshua had heard from God!

Joshua 4:1-3

And it came to pass, when all the people had completely crossed over the Jordan, that the LORD spoke to Joshua, saying: “Take for yourselves twelve men from the people, one man from every tribe, and command them, saying, ‘Take for yourselves twelve stones from here, out of the midst of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet stood firm. You shall carry them over with you and leave them in the lodging place where you lodge tonight.'”

Joshua 4:6-7

That this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever.”

The context of these memorial stones was a celebration of God’s divine intervention. A miraculous day which birthed a new era for God’s people finally possessing the land of promise. When the Israelites faith began to waver at Jericho, at the impossibility that God asked them to do, all they had to do was look at those memorial stones and know that ‘our God parted the river Jordan at flood time… these walls are coming down!’

Later, in their future conquests, when confronted by the united armies of five kings, all they had to do was look at those memorial stones – ‘Our God parted the river Jordan at flood time… these five Kings are going down!’

My friends, make today a memorial!

A memorial is for two purposes:

  1. A celebration of the past: gratitude and thanksgiving.
  2. A faith-building for the future: that infusion of courage when vitally needed!

The stones speak to us of memories.

Each one was taken from “the place where the priest’s feet stood firm”. In blind obedience to the word of the Lord, through Joshua, those priests stepped into a raging torrent of water at flood time… carrying the ark! Imagine the guys up front. It was an act of incredible courage. And it led to an amazing miracle. That’s what those stones of memory brought back into focus for decades and generations to come – they served a God of the miraculous!

Which brings us to today, a memorial.

When you look back on years of Father’s faithfulness and grace, for many there has been occasions when awesome, supernatural things have happened. But there have also been times when in the midst of impossibility, it required a standing firm. Times when everything around you screamed “IMPOSSIBLE!” This is a time to remember Ephesians 6:13: “having done all, to stand!”

Thank God for the mountains, but they are only made possible by the valleys.

Thank God for the victories, but they are only made possible by the battle.

Thank God for the miracles, but they are only made possible by the challenge.

In those times when nothing makes sense – stand firm. Those times when the loudness of the opposition seems to drown out that inner voice of peace. Those seasons when the breakthrough seems to linger, and linger, and linger. Those days when you must smile and minister to others despite desperately needing someone to minister to you… “having done all, to stand!”

In the middle of Jordan, stand firm and see the miracle of God!

We should all be celebrating the miracles of His grace that have triumphed to bring us to this day – those incredible memorial stones. As an individual, as a family, as a business, as a ministry, we should develop a culture of gratitude and worship, constantly acknowledging our Father’s amazing interventions. If we do not celebrate yesterday, we will not anticipate tomorrow!

Which brings me to tomorrow! The reason the Israelites crossed that Jordan was to possess the land that God had promised them. And I want to declare over you, that you stand poised to possess the land of promise. A place that, for generations to come, there will be the witness and demonstration that Jesus is alive and that He has a heart for your community and a heart for the world.

Joshua had to encourage himself for the battle by remembering those memorial stones. In the same way, you need to record and remind yourselves of the miracles of yesterday, so that your faith might soar to new heights as you embrace the challenges of faith, tomorrow!

It honours our Father when we experience the mountains and valleys, war and peace, and yet keep our integrity intact. Oh, how that causes the angels to sing and the demons to cringe. Above all, it represents Jesus to this world, and it positions you in the spirit world to carry the authority of Christ into the days and years to come.

With much love,


Prophetic Declaration To The Body Of Christ

Dear Friends,

It has been only on very rare occasions that I have claimed to make a declaration, as a Prophet, directly on behalf of my Father to the Body of Christ. But today is one of those days.

Matthew 5:1-12 could not be clearer. God has promised indescribable ‘blessing’ (HIS choice of words) to those that love Him and hunger after Him. And yet there are non-negotiable statements that qualify who can access such supernatural grace and provision.

The divine interventions and favour of God (which He so longs to bring to us) belong to those of a humble, dependent, pure, and merciful heart. It is does not belong to the proud, independent, impure, or the self-governed.

The ‘Kingdom’ (authority… realm of the King’s rule) belongs to those of a pure, fully surrendered heart and a speech that gives evidence of that inner beauty.

We all know that there are and will continue to be matters of biblical command and conviction that we cannot, and must not, compromise. We must be men and women of unswerving biblical conviction and the truth. Having now clearly stated that…

This world is filled, as never before, with arrogant attitudes and endless arguments. Men and women showing anger, negative reaction, and resentment; declaring their frustrations, declaring their arguments and opinions. It should not be so among those who claim to represent Jesus!

The Body of Christ needs to cast off the spirit of this world that leads to arguments and endless opinions. It must realise the anger of God at those Christians who attack other Christians simply because they will not champion the cause that they have established as their own bias. It is the engagement of such defiling attitudes and conversations that have cut so many off from receiving the divine intervention (blessing) of God. The more ‘human’ the attitude and response, the less we receive from the Holy Spirit within.

This COVID era has provoked us all. But it is not reserved for ‘The Covid issue’. It is unrighteous legislations, controversial decisions, theological debates, and issues of morality.

Christians have been swept up in theories and are buying into the many and varied offences that abound. Debates and angry social media statements have gladdened the heart of the devil and saddened the heart of our Father. Christian is divided against Christian, and all try to justify their anger and pride with the claim that it is ‘their personal conviction’. 

We state that we ‘have our rights’, that it is ‘only human’. Exactly! It is the fruit of non-surrendered flesh (in that moment). It is not the overflow of Father’s Spirit and intention from within. The Holy Spirit comes to bring humility and unity, Satan comes to bring anger and division. 

My friends, if a conviction is forged within us by a word from our Father it will, undeniably, show the fruit of HIS Holy Spirit. But I feel a deep cry from God’s heart that He has had enough of those who claim to represent Him showing the same attitudes (or worse) than the unsaved community around them.

We have all needed to repent of such moments. Myself, more than once.

With every ounce of love from His heart and mine, I urge us all to no longer allow our purity (uncomplicated beauty and humility) of spirit to be robbed. In so doing, we allow ourselves to be robbed of Father’s empowering grace and miraculous Holy Spirit working in us and through us. His ‘Kingdom’ ceases to operate in us when our heart becomes a hostile environment.

I urge you to read Matthew 5:1-12.

My prayer: “Father! Rid my heart of judgement against a brother / sister. Open my eyes each new day to see the beauty and wonder of your own intention and flow through me in your inexhaustible supply of humility, love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. For in such, those around us will wonder at YOUR wisdom revealed through our fully surrendered hearts.”

Please pass this word on.

Love to each and all,


Abba Father

Abba Father

The word ‘father’ brings to mind different meanings and memories for each person. For some, a father evokes positive or happy thoughts. For others, the memories of a father may be difficult—for any number of reasons. But what is our perception of God the Father?

I believe that it is God’s desire that everyone receive a personal revelation of God, not only as our awesome God (and He is) but as our warm, loving, caring Father!  A Father that wants us to talk with Him daily. A Father that desires us to live a life of intimacy and deep affection with Him; a life that will embolden us to become men and women of significance in our world.  The scripture describes our loving Father in this way:

Romans 8:15 (NKJV) For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption and by Him (the Spirit) we cry Abba Father!

This phrase ‘Abba Father’ is a term of endearment or affection. The Passion Translation of this scripture describes God as our ‘Beloved Father’.

In Galatians chapter 4, the apostle Paul writes that when we become believers, we move from slavery to sonship. The word ‘sons’ used throughout this chapter is not a reference to an exclusively male invitation, but a reference to the nature of the relationship that God offers: that of full, total adoption. This spiritual adoption is available for each person, both male and female.

Galatians 4:6-7 (NIV) Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

God is indicating the type of the relationship that He intends us to have with Him by talking about the tradition of the day. It was the custom of full adoption, in which an adopted person took on all the rights, privileges and authority of his new ‘father’ as his rightful heir. It was an awesome moment in a person’s life when whatever limitations previously part of their life were replaced by their whole new identity of power and authority granted to them by their father. With that full adoption moment came an amazing new life with freedom and potential never dreamed of previously.

When we have a personal revelation of true fatherhood, we have the security of knowing that:

  • We are totally loved
  • We are unconditionally accepted—and never have to strive for that acceptance again
  • We are a recipient of the Father’s provision
  • The authority of the Father now fully rests on us as His heir
  • Father is guiding the steps of our lives
  • Father is always and only motivated for our good
  • Father is the all-powerful Creator of Heaven and Earth—and He is greater than all of life’s opposition.

Friends, the marks of one living with a revelation of having God as our personal, intimate, affectionate Father is SECURITY! An impregnable, unshakeable security. We can go through life totally assured of His love and acceptance. 1 John 4:18 declares, “Perfect love casts out all fear!” The revelation of God as my affectionate, protecting Father conquers all fear. My intimacy with the Father is what empowers me.

When we are secure, we don’t compare ourselves with others or become intimidated by others. A revelation of Abba Father dares us to dream impossible dreams because our God is not restricted to our humanity. We become capable of bold initiatives because our driving force is to please Him and bring Him honour. It is never too late to experience a new and intimate relationship with Father.

Spiritual sonship is God’s intention for all of us! Father gives an invitation to enter in to such a relationship. He now offers you a life of far greater intimacy and potential than you have previously known or dreamed of. Ask Him today for a revelation of His heart and get to know Him as your personal, affectionate Abba Father.

The Hard Decisions

The Hard Decisions

There are times in our lives when we have to make some very difficult decisions. Sometimes, in obedience to a very clear word from the Lord, we have to make decisions that tug at our emotions and defy our logic.

The challenge in such times is to not to look at personalities and circumstances, or even the human evidences that present themselves. The very simple answer is that Father sees aspects of the future that we do not. He not only sees His intention for you but for each individual involved. It comes down to trust. There are times in all of our lives that we must simply trust the One who is directing our ways and to Whom we have given that unconditional right.

When our decisions (no matter how hard) are the fruit of obedience, there will always be an abundance of grace for each one affected by that decision. It has been truly wonderful for me to see the Grace-filled responses from people over decades now who have been confronted with the need for change that they could not at that time see the reason for. No bad attitudes, no reactions. Just a wonderful commitment to continue as true friends of Jesus and their brethren, trusting Fathers wisdom as He now writes a new chapter.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

The truth is, that no one can take a step of faith and obedience without that step leading to a season of increased fruitfulness. That, I know, will be the outcome for each of you now in that moment of decision. We already celebrate with you in the anticipation of that which Father will now do for you.

My friends, I trust that this will encourage you to trust and let go in the times of your difficult decisions.

One thing is totally predictable: Our Father is always motivated for our good and always working to a strategic plan to reveal His faithfulness to us. Let’s continue to trust Father in the midst of the hard decisions.