Living Beyond The Veil

I want to invite you into a world in which the physical, the tangible, and the seen are no longer restrictions to the experiencing of the power of His presence and His person. I want to invite you to live beyond the veil!

Revelation 3:21 (NKJV) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Tragically, many who read this scripture have have created a theology that allows for this in a future time to come, but denies us access to it today (other than in a symbolic statement of believers having the authority of Jesus). But this is not true! I believe we have present-tense access to the throne room of God when, being in spirit, we can see what Father intends us to see! But is our access unconditional?

Matthew 27:50-52 (NKJV) And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;

The most supernatural world changing event of history had just taken place! The atonement had been made for all mankind, the conquering of Satan and the vanquish of his rule on Earth had been fully achieved.

What I want you to notice (what this message is all about) is that the very first thing that came as a result of the declaration of Jesus, “It is finished!”, was the ripping apart of the temple veil from top to bottom. Top to bottom – because it was ripped asunder by the hand of Jehovah God himself.

It was the very first thing on God’s agenda – the instant response of Heaven! “Tear that veil apart!” But why was it so important? Why was it such a priority? Friends, the miracle of Calvary, the great atonement of history, the invasion of the Godhead, the establishment of the lordship of Jesus on this planet, was all about ripping apart for ever that which separated mankind from the glory and presence of God!

To understand the significance of the event, you have to understand why that veil had been put there in the beginning. Let me explain.

The Veil Established

The veil was first established in Moses’ tabernacle and then continued into Solomon’s temple, where it was on the day that the command of Jesus ripped it apart. But why was it put there in the first place?

God had made the decision to have a physical dwelling place on the earth so that he might, at times, position Himself amongst his people. The only problem was that mankind, in his unredeemed, sinful state, would have been incinerated instantly in the presence of such incredible power!

The veil was God’s compassionate protection. People have so misunderstood this. When you go into a room with a nuclear reactor, you wear protective gear… not because that reactor is evil or harsh, but because humanity needs protection from such power.

So, the veil was there for protection. No one was allowed to enter, except for one exception. The High Priest, once a year on the Day of Atonement, after much cleansing and preparation of heart, could enter to seek atonement for God’s people.  Such was the indescribable power and holiness of God’s presence that a rope was tied around his ankle, just in case he had any sin left in him… in which case, he would have never survived the event! They would have had to drag out his corpse.

Can you just imagine it! The staggering event when God came to dwell on the earth in a physical location! The One that consumed the top of Mt. Sinai with fire when he turned up, the One that would cause the earth to quake at His arrival, the One that could point His finger and part the sea, the One that with one word created galaxies in space. HE was on the other side of that veil!

What would the emotions of that High Priest have been like? Fear yet awe, terrifying yet irresistible! Like an astronaut going to be the first person to travel in space. Knowing that it could cost him his life yet filled with the staggering potential and the wonder of it all! The scariest moment of his entire life.

Inside that veil was the holiness and presence of Jehovah, Father God, Creator of heaven and earth, manifested by the Spirit; the throne room of heaven materialised into this tangible human world. Just beyond that veil! It was amazing! And all for one man and one man alone, and only once a year.

All that the rest of the nation of Israel could do was pray for that priest, that he would return alive. They themselves could never participate; they could never hope to experience it. The veil was the constant reminder that unredeemed humanity could not enter God’s personal presence and hope to live. For thousands of years that’s the way it was. Year after year, generation after generation.

The Veil Is Torn

But one day, suddenly, Heaven gasped, demons trembled, and the universe was shaken!

Jesus, the new ruler of the planet, was declaring that the temple veil was to be removed! He was declaring, by His atoning sacrifice, that the access to God’s presence was now open and could be entered into without fear!

His shed blood was the atonement that cleansed the human heart and brought about such transformation that the individual could literally enter the presence of God and not be incinerated but be empowered! God no longer demanded the separation from the realm of His reality and the realm of our reality. The veil between the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal, the natural world, and the spirit world, had been removed!

My friends, I want to offer you an invitation: not to some fantasy, not to a distortion of reality, not to some Spielberg movie, but simply another dimension that exists parallel with our own for those whose hearts have been cleansed and whose eyes have been opened to see it.

His presence is no longer in one geographical place but universal. His person fills the galaxies with His power. He exists in a world parallel to our own! On every mountain, in every valley, in every boardroom or family kitchen. In every office, auditorium, or carpark. The natural world and the spirit world co-exist for those whose eyes have been enlightened.

How do I know that it is real? How do I know that it is accessible? Because, my friends, I have already discovered what it is to live there!

Access to the Throne Room

I want to invite you into the reality of His unseen world. I want to invite you into a world of access to the throne of God. Not as a religious theory but an experiential reality!

I want to invite you to live a life beyond the veil!

My friends, what I am declaring to you is completely Scriptural. Paul said that we were to “come boldly before the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). We are called to access the very throne room of God! But we have made that just a figure of speech. (And for some, an alternative expression for ‘having a time of prayer’.)

Ephesians 2:6 calls us to be “seated with Him in Heavenly places”. THAT is an invitation! To step from the realm of our reality into the realm of His reality, to live beyond the veil and to be in spirit.

That veil of separation, existing for thousands of years, was powerfully ripped to pieces by the Lord of that throne room. Yet today, the vast bulk of Christians, singing praises on Sunday and faithfully attending their local church, do not live beyond the veil in the place of His glory and presence. Tragically most leaders don’t either.

I truly believe that, for most Christians today, the veil still exists! They still live restricted to their humanity, influenced by the world of the tangible, never experiencing the power of accessing the unseen world of God’s person and presence. Consequently, they reflect the culture of the world they live in.

But what a tragedy… because now it is not a veil of God’s making, but a veil of their own making. YES! I’m talking to Christians!

A person can be saved and going to Heaven, and fully involved in their local Church, and yet live a lifetime without ever having experienced the intimacy of His presence, and the power and authority of His throne room. Never experiencing the wonder of being in spirit and seeing Father’s intention. But God is calling you right now, “Don’t settle for that!”

Hebrews 10:19-20 (NKJV) Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,

Let me offer you an invitation! It is time to decide!

  • Are you willing to crown Him truly Lord of your world?
  • Will you get passionate about craving for intimacy with His heart?
  • Will you seek compatibility with His Holy Spirit?
  • Will your cry be to have instant access to His throne?

If that is your heart’s cry, then your Father stands waiting for you with his arms open wide in indescribable love and unqualified acceptance.

My invitation to you is to live beyond the veil! Not to visit once in a while but to live there.

My friends, tear down the veil!



Read David’s previous blog: Why Prophetic Pictures Are Given.